GLRA Letter to SLRD Regarding Oil Spill on Gun Lake & Response September 2023

September 28, 2023

Barbara Rose, Secretary

Gun Lake Ratepayers Association


Dear Barbara Rose:

Thank you for your recent emails regarding an oil slick appearing on Gun Lake.

A response officer visited the area on September 6, 2023, and noted the following observations:

  • A small amount of woody debris.
  • A small amount of substance was observed floating on the water uncharacteristic of gasoline or diesel.
  • Debris including a home heating oil tank and an outboard boat motor was observed in the water.

After obtaining the information above, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (ENV) response officer performed the following actions:

  • Researched and identified groups and people who regularly sample from the lake and nearby areas to confirm a water testing plan has been established.
  • Forwarded requested information about the re-entry guidelines, including a fact sheet developed by the Environmental Emergency Program Wildfire Task Team, to concerned citizens.
  • Emailed the environmental consultant in the area, Cascade Environmental, who are performing water testing, to request that collaboration occurs with First Nations for local knowledge input to the plan.

Upon receipt and review of the information listed above, ENV will continue to work with the Lands Manager of Xwisten and an ENV Fisheries Biologist to determine the next course of action.

Thank you again for bringing this issue and your concerns to our attention.


Kandis Lipsett

Senior Environmental Emergency Response Officer

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