Nestled at 2920 ft at the foot of the Dickson Range is crystal clear Gun Lake. With a perimeter of 15.4km, it is 103 m at it’s deepest. Water averages 17˚c in the summer and it’s covered in ice January through April. Water so clear and pure, you can drink from the lake and see the bottom until it drops off into the deep blue.
Home to Bull & Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Kokanee, Redside Shiner, Ducks, Loons and 260 properties around the lake. Respect and care for Gun Lake so future generations can enjoy the same clarity we do.
The Gun Lake Ratepayers Association’s mandate is to protect the Gun Lake watershed area by monitoring the quality of the lake and educating residents. The GLRA is a member of the BC Lakes Stewardship Society – BCLSS and is in the process of designating the area as an official community watershed.
Gun Lake has entered the official North American Lake Management Society (NALMS)Secchi Dip since 1999 and is the clearest lake out of the 6000+ lakes that enter the study. See the link below for a description of the Secchi Test. The GLRA has several volunteers that do the dip and record the results, as well as monitor water temperature and ice on/off dates.
Funding was recently received by the SLRD to conduct a study to identify the problem septic systems around the lake and notify the property owners to take action. Interesting Water Quality links below:
Secchi Dip results & BCLSS study for Gun Lake 2005 – 2008
BCLSS study on Little Gun (Lajoie) Lake 2005 – 2007
Septic Study Information
BC Lake Stewardship Society
What’s My Lake Worth? Valuing the Ecosystem Goods & Services by Dr Nancy Olewiler